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PHP Chat Application: Chat between Web users using Websockets

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chat-client 1.0.0BSD License5PHP 5


This package provides an application to chat between Web users using Websockets.

It starts a Websockets sockets listener using a PHP using the Ratchet library using a listener class that allows users who access the same Web page to chat with each other.

The package also provides an HTML page with JavaScript code that can send HTTP requests to the chat server via Websocket to allow the users to perform the chat actions they want, like joining a chat talk and sending messages to other chat users.

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Name: chrys ugwu <contact>
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Country: Nigeria Nigeria
Age: 30
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use App\Chat;

__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$server = IoServer::factory(new HttpServer(new WsServer(new Chat)), 8080);



Imap Chat _(PRATICAL)_

A websocket chat with php Rachet


A chat system for your website clients. This will send a chat invitation to your email after the client initializes the chat.


- Start socket sever

php socket.php

- Open index.html with two(or more) browser or tabs.


HTML code sample (This will be reference the the documentation below)

<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="user-container">
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Name" required>
        <input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required>
        <button type="button" id="join-chat">Join Chat</button>

    <div id="chat-container" class="hidden">
        <button type="button" id="leave-room">Leave Chat</button>
        <div id="messages"></div>
        <div id="msg-container" class="chat-msg-action">
            <textarea id="msg" name="msg"></textarea>
            <button type="button" id="send-msg">Send</button>




| Name | Return | Description | |-----------------------|-----------|-------------------------------------------| | constructor | ImapChat | Initial client data (ex: name, email, id).| | setInstanceData | ImapChat | Sets instanceData option. | | setMessageContainerId | ImapChat | Sets messageContainerId option. | | setSendButtonId | ImapChat | Sets sendButtonId option. | | setInputID | ImapChat | Sets inputID option. | | setOnLocalJoin | ImapChat | Sets onLocalJoin option. | | setOnClientJoin | ImapChat | Sets onClientJoin option. | | setSendTPL | ImapChat | Sets sendTPL option. | | setReceiveTPL | ImapChat | Sets receiveTPL option. | | setMutateBeforeSend | ImapChat | Sets mutateBeforeSend option. | | setMutateOnReceive | ImapChat | Sets mutateOnReceive option. | | run | void | Initializes websocket chat |

constructor([object] options, [string] websocketHost) Creates Imap chat instance.



| Name | Type | Description | |---------------|----------|------------------------------| | options | object | Initial chat setup. | | websocketHost | string | Websocket host (default: ws://localhost:8080?).|

_Options Parameters_

| Name | Type | Required | |--------------------|----------|-----------| | instanceData | object | true | | messageContainerId | string | true | | sendButtonId | string | true | | inputID | string | true | | onLocalJoin | function | false | | onClientJoin | function | false | | sendTPL | function | true | | receiveTPL | function | true | | mutateBeforeSend | function | false | | mutateOnReceive | function | false | | initIdentifier | string | false (This should not be modified unless a property called INITIAL_SOCK_INSTANCE exists in your instanceData |


const imap = new ImapChat({
    instanceData: {name: 'foo', email: 'foo@bar,com'},
    messageContainerId: '#messages',
    inputID: '#msg',
    sendButtonId: '#send-msg',
    onLocalJoin: onLocalJoin,
    onClientJoin: onClientJoin,
    sendTPL: sent,
    receiveTPL: received,
    mutateBeforeSend: mutateAddImageAndTime,
    mutateOnReceive: mutateAddImageAndTime

setInstanceData([object] payload) Sets ImapChat.instanceData option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | payload | object | These are data you want to share between clients. msg property is added to the object before sending it to the server(So msg is reserved) |


const imap = new ImapChat();
imap.setInstanceData({name: 'foo', email: 'foo@bar,com'});

setMessageContainerId([string] id) Sets ImapChat.messageContainerId option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | id | string | Sets the id of the HTML element where chat message will be rendered |


const imap = new ImapChat();
imap.setMessageContainerId('#messages'); // #messages using the HTML snippet provided above.

setSendButtonId([string] id) Sets ImapChat.sendButtonId option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | id | string | Sets the id of the button that submits inputID value on click. |


const imap = new ImapChat();
imap.setSendButtonId('#send-msg'); // #send-msg using the HTML snippet provided above.

setInputID([string] id) Sets ImapChat.inputID option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | id | string | Sets the id of the input element which value is to be submitted on sendButtonId click. |


const imap = new ImapChat();
imap.setInputID('#msg'); // #msg using the HTML snippet provided above.

setOnLocalJoin([function] callback) Sets ImapChat.onLocalJoin option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | callback | function | Sets a function that is called when a clients joins a chat room(Only Joined client will see this). An argument containing the initial payload(ImapChat.setInstanceData) is passed to this function. |


const onLocalJoin = function (payload) {
  return `<div style="text-align: center">You Joined room as ${}.</div>`;

const imap = new ImapChat();

setOnClientJoin([function] callback) Sets ImapChat.onClientJoin option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | callback | function | Sets a function that is called when a new clients joins an existing room (Joined client won't see this). An argument containing the initial payload(ImapChat.setInstanceData) is passed to this function. |


const onClientJoin = function (payload) {
  return `<div>${} Joined the chat.</div>`

const imap = new ImapChat();

setSendTPL([function] callback) Sets ImapChat.sendTPL option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------| | callback | function | Sets function that returns the HTML elements of how sent message will be rendered in ImapChat.messageContainerId container. An argument containing the initial payload(ImapChat.setInstanceData with msg) is passed to this function. |


const sent = function (payload) {
    return `<div class="container">
      <div class="content">${payload.msg}</div>

const imap = new ImapChat();

setReceiveTPL([function] callback) Sets ImapChat.receiveTPL option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------| | callback | function | Sets function that returns the HTML elements of how received message will be rendered in ImapChat.messageContainerId container. An argument containing the client(who sent the message) payload(ImapChat.setInstanceData with msg) is passed to this function. |


const received = function (payload) {
    return `<div class="container">
      <div class="content">${payload.msg}</div>

const imap = new ImapChat();

setMutateBeforeSend([function] callback) Sets ImapChat.mutateBeforeSend option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------| | callback | function | Sets a function that is called before payload is sent to server. |


// Add time to payload before sending it to server
const mutateAddTime = function (payload) {
  payload.time  = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
  return payload;

const imap = new ImapChat();

setMutateOnReceive([function] callback) Sets ImapChat.mutateOnReceive option.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------| | callback | function | Sets a function that is called when a response is gotten from server. |


// Replace :) with ? (Note: this can also be done in the setReceiveTPL(() => {}))
const mutateAddEmoji = function (payload) {
  payload.msg = payload.msg.replace(':)', '?');
  return payload;

const imap = new ImapChat();

run([boolean] sandbox) Starts chat client.



| Name | Type | Description | |--------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------| | sandbox | boolean | If set to true, a chat prototype is generated. This comes in handy for UI development. |


const imap = new ImapChat({
    instanceData: {name: 'foo', email: 'foo@bar,com'},
    messageContainerId: '#messages',
    inputID: '#msg',
    sendButtonId: '#send-msg',
    onLocalJoin: onLocalJoin,
    onClientJoin: onClientJoin,
    sendTPL: sent,
    receiveTPL: received,
    mutateBeforeSend: mutateAddImageAndTime,
    mutateOnReceive: mutateAddImageAndTime

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageApp (1 file)
Files folder imagejs (1 file)
Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file composer.lock Data Auxiliary data
HTML file index.html Doc. Documentation
Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Plain text file socket.php Example Example script

  Files folder image Files  /  App  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Chat.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files  /  js  
File Role Description
  Plain text file imapChat.js Data Auxiliary data

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