 James - 2009-09-10 22:23:49
I have a form using GET and form_linked_select, in addition to Connect like so ($form->Connect("field_value", "doit", "ONCHANGE", "Click", array());).
Until now I wasnt using the form_secure_submit, but would like to. Things work, but the Connect isnt working, the form only submites when I use the button. Also, I noticed that the form_linked_select_class input loses its css CLASS attributes.
How can I use form_secure_submit along with Connect and linked selects and how do I make sure the input will use the CLASS specified?
Thanks again
 Manuel Lemos - 2009-09-10 23:35:20 - In reply to message 1 from James
The secure submit plug-in was not handling the Click action. The main class was improved to also handle Click actions in the sub-class of the custom input classes.
For now, you may download the latest version of the forms class here:
meta-language.net/cvs/~checkout~/fo ...
As for linked select inputs loosing CLASS attributes I am not sure what you mean. I just tried to set the CLASS attribute there and it worked. Make sure it you set CLASS attribute in the AddInput call the CLASS all in capital letters.
If that was not the problem, you need to explain it better.
 James - 2009-09-11 00:02:28 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
The CLASS attribute works as expected too. The CLASS attribute wasnt lost when I viewed the html source, but the css wasnt be applied to the input. With the new forms.php it is. I went back and included the old forms.php and the css did not get applied, like as before, although when I change to the new forms.php the css is applied.
Either way, it works like a charm now.
Thank you!
 James - 2009-09-11 17:46:56 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Using forms.php (v 1.323 2009/09/10 23:00:35) downloaded from cvs last night I ran into this today:
"Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ':' in pathto/forms/forms.php on line 3289"
I have a textarea input using validation like this:
"ValidateRegularExpression"=>"^[a-zA-Z0-9 -\/:;.'#$]+$",
"ValidationErrorMessage"=>"Invalid text, please correct"
Verified that the error doesnt happen in v 1.319 2009/04/05 07:27:33
 Manuel Lemos - 2009-09-11 19:13:14 - In reply to message 4 from James
That is because the class started using preg functions. For preg / have special meaning but inside square brackets it should not need to be escaped with backslash \/ . So, if you just want to allow /, the \ should not be used.
 James - 2009-09-11 19:51:22 - In reply to message 5 from Manuel Lemos
My mistake. Thank you for the quick response.
And thank you for developing this excellent class. I have been using it for a long time and it is a great tool!
Have a great weekend!