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File: Timespan.class.php

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File: Timespan.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: class Timespan
Class: phpDateTime
Manipulating dates, times, time intervals
Author: By
Last change: please refer to the changelog on sourceforge
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 13,921 bytes


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<?php /** * contains class Timespan * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Sebastian Mendel <info at sebastianmendel dot de> * * @license * GNU Lesser General Public License - LGPL * * @package phpDateTime * @author Sebastian Mendel <info at sebastianmendel dot de> * @version $Id: Timespan.class.php,v 1.14 2005/03/08 16:20:01 cybot_tm Exp $ * @source $Source: /cvsroot/phpdatetime/phpDateTime/Timespan.class.php,v $ * * @uses DateTime.class.php */ /** * required class-files */ require_once 'DateTime.class.php'; /** * Class Timespan * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Sebastian Mendel <info at sebastianmendel dot de> * * @license * GNU Lesser General Public License - LGPL * * @package phpDateTime * @author Sebastian Mendel <[email protected]> * @uses DateTime * @todo finish class */ class Timespan { /** * start time * @access protected * @var object DateTime */ var $start; /** * end time * @access protected * @var object DateTime */ var $end; /** * @var integer fullyears */ var $fullremyears = 0; /** * @var integer full months */ var $fullremmonths = 0; /** * @var integer fulldays */ var $fullremdays = 0; /** * @var integer years */ var $years = 0; /** * @var integer months */ var $months = 0; /** * @var integer days */ var $days = 0; /** * @var integer fullyears */ var $fullremhours = 0; /** * @var integer full months */ var $fullremminutes = 0; /** * @var integer fulldays */ var $fullremseconds = 0; /** * @var integer years */ var $hours = 0; /** * @var integer months */ var $minutes = 0; /** * @var integer days */ var $seconds = 0; /** * @uses Timespan::set() * @access protected * @param string|integer|object_DateTime $start * @param string|integer|object_DateTime $end */ function Timespan( $start = 0, $end = NULL ) { $this->set( $start, $end ); } /** * sets start and end-time * * @uses Timespan::setStart() * @uses Timespan::setEnd() * @uses Date::setToStartOfWeek() * @uses Date::setToEndOfWeek() * @param string|integer|object_DateTime $start * @param string|integer|object_DateTime $end * @todo finish */ function set( $start = 0, $end = NULL ) { $this->setStart( $start ); if ( NULL === $end ) { $this->setEnd( $start ); } else { switch ( $end ) { case 'year': // add one year to end break; case 'month': // add one month break; case 'week': // add one year to end break; case 'day': // add one year to end break; case 'calendarweek': // set start and end date to start and end of week for current date $this->start->date->setToStartOfWeek(); $this->setEnd( $start ); $this->end->date->setToEndOfWeek(); break; default: $this->setEnd( $end ); } // switch } //$this->updatePorperties(); } /** * sets start-date * * @uses Timespan::start to set it * @uses DateTime * @uses DateTime::get() * @param string|integer|object_DateTime $datetime * @return string datetime */ function setStart( $datetime ) { $this->start = new DateTime( $datetime ); $this->updatePorperties(); return $this->start->get(); } /** * stes end-date * * @uses Timespan::end to set it * @uses DateTime * @uses DateTime::get() * @param string|integer|object_DateTime $datetime * @return string datetime */ function setEnd( $datetime ) { $this->end = new DateTime( $datetime ); $this->updatePorperties(); return $this->end->get(); } /** * * @uses Timespan::getDifference() * @return integer */ function getYearsRemainder() { return $this->fullremyears; } /** * * @uses Timespan::getDifference() * @return integer */ function getMonthsRemainder() { return $this->fullremmonths; } /** * * @uses Timespan::getDifference() * @return integer */ function getDaysRemainder() { return $this->fullremdays; } /** * returns array with difference between the two dates * * differenz = array( * fullremyears, * fullremmonths, * fullremdays, * years, * months, * days, ) * * @access public * @return array differences * */ function getDifference() { return array( 'fullremyears' => $this->fullremyears, 'fullremmonths' => $this->fullremmonths, 'fullremdays' => $this->fullremdays, 'fullremhours' => $this->fullremhours, 'fullremminutes' => $this->fullremminutes, 'fullremseconds' => $this->fullremseconds, 'years' => $this->years, 'months' => $this->months, 'days' => $this->days, 'hours' => $this->hours, 'minutes' => $this->minutes, 'seconds' => $this->seconds, ); } /** * sets all properties back to 0 */ function resetProperties() { $this->fullremyears = 0; $this->fullremmonths = 0; $this->fullremdays = 0; $this->fullremhours = 0; $this->fullremminutes = 0; $this->fullremseconds = 0; $this->years = 0; $this->months = 0; $this->days = 0; $this->hours = 0; $this->minutes = 0; $this->seconds = 0; } /** * updates calculated values like days, months, years, ... */ function updatePorperties() { $this->resetProperties(); if ( ! is_a( $this->end, 'DateTime' ) || ! is_a( $this->start, 'DateTime' ) ) { return; } if ( $this->end->getAsTs() === $this->start->getAsTs() ) { return; } elseif ( $this->end->getAsTs() < $this->start->getAsTs() ) { $positive = false; } else { $positive = true; } // Time $this->fullremseconds = $this->end->time->getSeconds() - $this->start->time->getSeconds(); if ( $this->fullremseconds < 0 ) { if ( $positive ) { $this->fullremminutes--; $this->fullremseconds += 60; } else { $this->fullremminutes++; $this->fullremseconds -= 60; } } $this->fullremminutes += $this->end->time->getMinutes() - $this->start->time->getMinutes(); if ( $this->fullremminutes < 0 ) { if ( $positive ) { $this->fullremhours--; $this->fullremminutes += 60; } else { $this->fullremhours++; $this->fullremminutes -= 60; } } $this->fullremhours += $this->end->time->getHours() - $this->start->time->getHours(); if ( $this->fullremhours < 0 ) { if ( $positive ) { $this->fullremdays--; $this->fullremhours += 24; } else { $this->fullremdays++; $this->fullremhours -= 24; } } // Date $this->fullremdays += $this->end->date->getDay() - $this->start->date->getDay(); if ( $this->fullremdays < 0 ) { if ( $positive ) { $this->fullremmonths--; $this->fullremdays = $this->start->date->getDaysInMonth() - $this->start->date->getDay(); $this->fullremdays += $this->end->date->getDay(); } else { $this->fullremmonths++; $this->fullremdays = $this->start->date->getDaysInMonth() - $this->start->date->getDay(); $this->fullremdays -= $this->end->date->getDay(); } } $this->fullremmonths += $this->end->date->getMonth() - $this->start->date->getMonth(); if ( $this->fullremmonths < 0 ) { if ( $positive ) { $this->fullremyears--; $this->fullremmonths += 12; } else { $this->fullremyears++; $this->fullremmonths -= 12; } } $this->fullremyears += $this->end->date->getYear() - $this->start->date->getYear(); $this->years = $this->fullremyears; $this->months = $this->fullremyears * 12 + $this->fullremmonths; $this->days = floor( ( $this->end->date->getAsTs() - $this->start->date->getAsTs() ) / 60 / 60 / 24 ); $this->hours = $this->days * 24 + $this->fullremhours; $this->minutes = $this->hours * 60 + $this->fullremminutes; $this->seconds = $this->minutes * 60 + $this->fullremseconds; } /** * returns difference in seconds * * @return integer seconds */ function getAsSeconds() { return $this->seconds; } /** * returns string with a textual representation of the time-difference * * @param string $lang * @return string */ function getAsString( $lang = 'en' ) { $locale_names['en']['second'] = ' second'; $locale_names['en']['seconds'] = ' seconds'; $locale_names['en']['minute'] = ' minute'; $locale_names['en']['minutes'] = ' minutes'; $locale_names['en']['hour'] = ' hour'; $locale_names['en']['hours'] = ' hours'; $locale_names['en']['day'] = ' day'; $locale_names['en']['days'] = ' days'; $locale_names['en']['week'] = ' week'; $locale_names['en']['weeks'] = ' weeks'; $locale_names['en']['month'] = ' month'; $locale_names['en']['months'] = ' months'; $locale_names['en']['year'] = ' year'; $locale_names['en']['years'] = ' years'; $locale_names['en']['and'] = ' and'; $locale_names['de']['second'] = ' Sekunde'; $locale_names['de']['seconds'] = ' Sekunden'; $locale_names['de']['minute'] = ' Minute'; $locale_names['de']['minutes'] = ' Minuten'; $locale_names['de']['hour'] = ' Stunde'; $locale_names['de']['hours'] = ' Stunden'; $locale_names['de']['day'] = ' Tag'; $locale_names['de']['days'] = ' Tage'; $locale_names['de']['week'] = ' Woche'; $locale_names['de']['weeks'] = ' Wochen'; $locale_names['de']['month'] = ' Monat'; $locale_names['de']['months'] = ' Monate'; $locale_names['de']['year'] = ' Jahr'; $locale_names['de']['years'] = ' Jahre'; $locale_names['de']['and'] = ' und'; $_ =& $locale_names[$lang]; $this->updatePorperties(); $time = array(); if ( $difference['fullremdays'] > 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremdays'] . $_['days']; } elseif ( $difference['fullremdays'] == 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremdays'] . $_['day']; } if ( $difference['fullremhours'] > 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremhours'] . $_['hours']; } elseif ( $difference['fullremhours'] == 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremhours'] . $_['hour']; } if ( $difference['fullremminutes'] > 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremminutes'] . $_['minutes']; } elseif ( $difference['fullremminutes'] == 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremminutes'] . $_['minute']; } if ( $difference['fullremseconds'] > 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremseconds'] . $_['seconds']; } elseif ( $difference['fullremseconds'] == 1 ) { $time[] = $difference['fullremseconds'] . $_['second']; } $time = implode( ', ', $time ); if ( strstr( $time, ',' ) ) { $time = substr_replace( $time, $_['and'], strrpos( $time, ',' ), 1 ); } return $time; } } ?>