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Classes of Alexander Eist | IMT Internet Minimalism Technology | | Download |
![]() Internet/Externet-Minimalism TechnologyThe new era of Computer's Nets (Internet www. with security "invisibled" vpn-s and more prefered now open Externet ecn./extn./ocnet./...) is here! The free http-nodes ocnetsites with Open Sourse Transparent Development Standard (OS.TDS) is ready. This standard is easy to use for strongly publishing of the content aims. The script was written in PHP, includes one single index.php file few hundred bytes long. The http sites on the base of this technology is very fast and usefull good in the Extern Computers Net (ecn.) with home or office's relative slow machines and low WiFi connections each to others local nets. It support easy for manage of the server's content, make it transparent and fast. Only usefull data content elements could be placed on a host of HTTP server and only usefull informations could be created in the HTML document. This standard is good for publish the rich content in the relative slow local computers in the Externet. We are ready to leave the internal computer's net owned by corp. ICANN - www - Internet and start use the Free Open Physical Computer's Net - Externet.The era of baroque in the computer's net www (internet owned by corp. ICANN) is coming to the end. Our world is now entering a new era of classic interaction between form and content of ocnetsites (open computer's net sites). The typical starting method for this is BMI internet minimalism technology. BMI is a web application development method that assigns a minimum value to a form and, on the contrary, assigns a maximum value to the content. Ideally, the entire website should be one index.php file. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here we offer several types of index.php site files, according to the version plan below. 1 Version - Simplest Single File Externet Application (SFEA). This app can scan the current directory and publish its contents with standard clean download links. This version can include up to 999 different graphical and functional views. Variants of this version: is continued in developing 1.a There is only one functional index.php file on the current host. All other host content is data. 1.b Including other external resources available from remote websites (Bootstrap, JQueries and others, e.g. own centralized sources and resources) 2 Version 1.2xx: all functionality and options of version 1.1xxx plus creation of icons for images. This version uses external DB for safe the details of graphycal dezigne. MiniSite adapted for image galleries 3 Version 1.3xx: all functionality and options of version 1.1xxx plus creation log-file with details about trafic. MiniSite adapted for mix / audio / video collections 4 Version all functionality and options of version 1.1xxx 1.2xxx 1.3xxx with automatic differentiation of content types, logging trafic + 5 Version the main application file index.php, in addition, can include up to 10 other files in only one Single Web Site Directory SWSD on a current host. This version of the IMT web application is designed to create web applications completely independent of external resources. The typing of the second number in this version is similar to versions 6 Version include the Authentication users and spam-filter procedurs. This option closes content of the directory from foriners who do not registered at all. See detailed comment in the file (200 rows of php-script) 7 Version 4.xxxx (or date created after 2021 october) this version uses only one single file (few hundred rows of code). The new in this version: 7.1 uses recursive scan of all directories and subdirectories. It mean, that you do not need to copy index.php in every directory to scan. All directories are scaned by single file default.php located in the root directory of the site. (For use automatic start default.php you need change the .htaccess resp. see example) 7.2 Have place expanded the methods of select of type of the site: videoteka, biblioteka, annonce board, eshop, or personal 7.3 automatisation of the selection type of the content in one directory. You can now public the video in one category with images read the help into the fileNote: all versions is in developing process and is free for use without any limitations (Absolute Free License) |